bike outside | run outside | hike outside | ski outside | train outside
the audain art museum
outside | undercover | fresh air
The fitness classes of The Sweat Camps are held on MON/WEDS/FRI mornings underneath the Audain Art Museum in the Heart of Whistler Village. The Location is beautiful, the workout area is undercover from the elements but open to the fresh mountain air of Whistler
Parking lot 4 is next door: FREE until 8am, $2.50 per hr 8am-5pm
the great outdoors
saturday free session | 8am-9am | train alongside rich
Saturday morning brings the opportunity to train with your trainer. Outdoors workout, location to be announced the day before via Richlife Whistler Facebook page. Run hills, burpees on the trails, lift logs and rocks...who knows...you do what Rich does!